Selected Papers (will be updated soon)
Classifying In-Place Gestures with End-to-End Point Cloud Learning L. Zhao*, X. Lu*, M. Zhao, M. Wang IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2021 [arXiv], [code], [bibTex] |
PIT: Position-Invariant Transform for Cross-FoV Domain Adaptation Q. Gu, Q. Zhou, M. Xu, Z. Feng, G. Cheng, X. Lu†, J. Shi, L. Ma† International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) , 2021 [arXiv], [code], [bibTex] |
Explicit Facial Expression Transfer via Fine-Grained Representations Z. Shao, H. Zhu, J. Tang, X. Lu†, L. Ma† IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021 [arXiv], [bibTex] |
Blur Removal via Blurred-Noisy Image Pair C. Gu, X. Lu, Y. He, C. Zhang IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020 [arXiv], [bibTex] |
Mutual Information Driven Federated Learning M. Uddin, Y. Xiang, X. Lu, J. Yearwood, L. Gao IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2020 [paper], [bibTex] |
Pointfilter: Point Cloud Filtering via Encoder-Decoder Modeling D. Zhang*, X. Lu*, H. Qin, Y. He (* joint first author) IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020 [arXiv], [code], [bibTex] |
Low Rank Matrix Approximation for 3D Geometry Filtering X. Lu, S. Schaefer, J. Luo, L. Ma, Y. He IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020 [ResearchGate], [arXiv], [Xplore], [code], [supplementary], [bibTex] |
Deep Patch-based Human Segmentation D. Zhang, Z. Fang, X. Lu, H. Qin, A. Robles-Kelly, C. Zhang, Y. He The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2020) [arXiv], [bibTex] |
Deep Feature-preserving Normal Estimation for Point Cloud Filtering D. Lu*, X. Lu*, Y. Sun, J. Wang (* joint first author) Computer Aided Design, 2020 (Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2020) [arXiv], [code], [bibTex] |
HLO: Half-kernel Laplacian Operator for Surface Smoothing W. Pan, X. Lu, Y. Gong, W. Tang, J. Liu, Y. He, G. Qiu Computer Aided Design, 2020 [arXiv], [EXE], [bibTex] |
3D Articulated Skeleton Extraction Using a Single Consumer-Grade Depth Camera X. Lu, Z. Deng, J. Luo, W. Chen, S.K. Yeung, Y. He Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2019 [PDF], [Derivation_Material], [Results and EXE tool], [bibTex] |
Unsupervised Articulated Skeleton Extraction from Point Set Sequences Captured by a Single Depth Camera X. Lu, H. Chen, S.K. Yeung, Z. Deng, W. Chen The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2018) [PDF], [Derivation_Material], [Results and EXE tool], [bibTex] |
GPF: GMM-inspired Feature-preserving Point Set Filtering X. Lu, S. Wu, H. Chen, S.K. Yeung, W. Chen, M. Zwicker IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2017 [PDF], [VIDEO], [EXE(32bit)], [EXE(64bit)], [bibTex] |
Robust Mesh Denoising via Vertex Pre-filtering and L1-Median Normal Filtering X. Lu, W. Chen, S. Schaefer Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2017 [PDF], [VIDEO], [ComparewithOur], [bibTex] |
A Robust Scheme for Feature-preserving Mesh Denoising X. Lu, Z. Deng, W. Chen IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2016 [PDF], [VIDEO], [DATA], [ComparewithOur], [bibTex] |
Full list of papers (will be updated soon)
Notice: the publication list below may be incomplete due to delays. Refer to my ORCID for an up-to-date list. Most papers are also avaliable on ResearchGate.
J Wang, J Jiang, X Lu†, M Wang. Rethinking Point Cloud Filtering: A Non-Local Position Based Approach. Computer-Aided Design, 2022. [PDF]
Q Zhou, Z Feng, Q Gu, G Cheng, X Lu†, J Shi, L Ma†. Uncertainty-aware consistency regularization for cross-domain semantic segmentation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2022. [PDF]
Z Feng, Q Zhou, Q Gu, X Tan, G Cheng, X Lu†, J Shi, L Ma†. Dmt: Dynamic mutual training for semi-supervised learning. Pattern Recognition, 2022. [PDF]
C Gu, X Lu, C Zhang. Example-based Color Transfer with Gaussian Mixture Modeling. Pattern Recognition, 2022. [PDF]
C Chen, Yaping Jing, X Lu†, W Yuan, L Ma†. Spoof Face Detection Via Semi-Supervised Adversarial Training. The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022). [PDF]
X Qing, Y Wang, X Lu, H Li, X Wang, H Li, X Xie. NemaRec: A deep learning-based web application for nematode image identification and ecological indices calculation. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2022. [PDF]
X Li, J Xu, Y Zhang, R Feng, RW Zhao, T Zhang, X Lu, S Gao. TCCNet: Temporally Consistent Context-Free Network for Semi-supervised Video Polyp Segmentation. The 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2022). [PDF]
W Wang, X Lu†, DS Edirimuni, X Liu, A Robles-Kelly. Deep Point Cloud Normal Estimation via Triplet Learning. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2022). [PDF]
Q Zhou, C Zhuang, R Yi, X Lu†, L Ma†. Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation with Regional Contrastive Consistency Regularization.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2022). [PDF]
H Jing, Y Zhang, R Feng, RW Zhao, T Zhang, X Lu, S Gao. Semantic-driven Saliency-Context Separation for Video Captioning. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2022). [PDF]
Y Xu, Y Zhang, R Feng, RW Zhao, T Zhang, X Lu, G Shang. STDNet: Spatio-Temporal Decomposed Network for Video Grounding. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2022). [PDF]
J Xu, J Hou, Y Zhang, R Feng, RW Zhao, T Zhang, X Lu, S Gao. CREAM: Weakly Supervised Object Localization via Class RE-Activation Mapping. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022). [PDF]
D. Shao, X. Lu†, X. Liu. 3D Intracranial Aneurysm Classification and Segmentation via Unsupervised Dual-branch Learning, 2022. [PDF], [researchgate], [bibTex]
S. Chen, J. Wang, W. Pan, S. Gao, M. Wang, X. Lu†. Towards Uniform Point Distribution in Feature-preserving Point Cloud Filtering. Computational Visual Media, 2022. [PDF], [researchgate], [bibTex]
S. Prabhua, K. Prasada, A. Robels-Kelly, X. Lu. AI-based Carcinoma Detection and Classification Using Histopathological Images: A Systematic Review. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022. [PDF], [bibTex]
C. Sitaula, S. Aryal, Y. Xiang, A. Basnet, X. Lu. Content and Context Features for Scene Image Representation. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021. [arXiv], [bibTex]
Q. Gu, Q. Zhou, M. Xu, Z. Feng, G. Cheng, X. Lu†, J. Shi, L. Ma†. PIT: Position-Invariant Transform for Cross-FoV Domain Adaptation. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021. [arXiv], [code], [bibTex]
L. Zhao*, X. Lu*, M. Zhao, M. Wang. Classifying In-Place Gestures with End-to-End Point Cloud Learning. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2021. [arXiv], [code], [bibTex]
Z. Shao, J. Cai, T.J. Cham, X. Lu, L. Ma. Unconstrained Facial Action Unit Detection via Latent Feature Domain. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2021. [arXiv], [bibTex]
Z. Shao, H. Zhu, J. Tang, X. Lu, L. Ma. Explicit Facial Expression Transfer via Fine-Grained Representations. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021. [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Sitaula, Y. Xiang, S. Aryal, X. Lu. Scene Image Representation by Foreground, Background and Hybrid Features. Expert Systems With Applications, 2021. [arXiv], [bibTex]
J. Mao, T. Li, F. Zhang, X. Lu, J. Chang, M. Wang. Bas-relief Layout Arrangement via Automatic Method Optimization. The 34th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2021), 2021. [paper] [bibTex]
S. Fung, X. Lu, C. Zhang, C-T. Li. DeepfakeUCL: Deepfake Detection via Unsupervised Contrastive Learning. The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021). [arXiv], [bibTex]
X. Lu, Y. Wang, S. Fung, X. Qing. I-Nema: A Biological Image Dataset for Nematode Recognition, 2021. [arXiv], [GitHub], [bibTex]
U Fang, J Li, X Lu, M Ali, L Gao, Y Xiang. Chaotic-to-Fine Clustering for Unlabeled Plant Disease Images, Neurocomputing, 2021. [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Gu, X. Lu, Y. He, C. Zhang. Blur Removal via Blurred-Noisy Image Pair. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020. [arXiv], [bibTex]
M. Uddin, Y. Xiang, X. Lu, J. Yearwood, L. Gao. Mutual Information Driven Federated Learning. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2020. [paper], [bibTex]
D. Zhang*, X. Lu*, H. Qin, Y. He (* joint first author). Pointfilter: Point Cloud Filtering via Encoder-Decoder Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. [arXiv], [code], [bibTex]
X. Lu, S. Schaefer, J. Luo, L. Ma, Y. He. Low Rank Matrix Approximation for 3D Geometry Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. [ResearchGate], [arXiv], [Xplore], [code], [supplementary], [bibTex]
G. Ou, G. Yu, C. Domeniconi, X. Lu, X. Zhang. Multi-label Zero-Shot Learning with Graph Convolutional Networks. Neural Networks, 2020. [paper], [bibTex]
D. Zhang, Z. Fang, X. Lu, H. Qin, A. Robles-Kelly, C. Zhang, Y. He. Deep Patch-based Human Segmentation. The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2020). [arXiv], [bibTex]
D. Feng, X. Lu, X. Lin. Deep Detection for Face Manipulation. The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2020). [arXiv], [bibTex]
T. Nakane, N. Bold, H. Sun, X. Lu, T. Akashi, C. Zhang. Application of evolutionary and swarm optimization in computer vision: a literature survey. IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, 2020. [paper], [bibTex]
C. Xu, W. Yu, Y. Li, X. Lu, M. Wang, X. Yang. KeyFrame extraction for human motion capture data via multiple binomial fitting. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2020. [paper], [bibTex]
Y. Pei, Z. Huang, W. Yu, M. Wang, X. Lu. A Cascaded Approach for Keyframes Extraction from Videos. International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, 2020. [paper], [bibTex]
T. Nakane, X. Lu, C. Zhang. A Search History-Driven Offspring Generation Method for the Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2020. [paper], [bibTex]
C. Zhang, X. Lu, T. Akashi. Blur-Countering Keypoint Detection via Eigenvalue Asymmetry. IEEE Access, 2020. [arXiv], [bibTex]
W. Yuan, H. Song, C. Chen, Y. Xie, L. Ma, X. Lu, Y. Qu. Learn to Explore the Correlation for Few-shot Classification via Prototypical Graph Network.
C. Gu, X. Lu, C. Zhang. Continuous Color Transfer. [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Dai, W. Pan, X. Lu. Segmentation Based Mesh Denoising. [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Chen, W. Yuan, X. Lu, L. Ma. Spoof Face Detection Via Semi-Supervised Adversarial Training. [arXiv], [bibTex]
D. Lu*, X. Lu*, Y. Sun, J. Wang (*joint first author). Deep Feature-preserving Normal Estimation for Point Cloud Filtering. Computer Aided Design, 2020 (Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2020). [arXiv], [code], [bibTex]
W. Pan, X. Lu, Y. Gong, W. Tang, J. Liu, Y. He, G. Qiu. HLO: Half-kernel Laplacian Operator for Surface Smoothing. Computer Aided Design, 2020. [arXiv], [EXE], [bibTex]
T. Nakane, X. Lu, C. Zhang. SHX: Search History Driven Crossover for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, 2020. [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Sitaula, Y. Xiang, A. Basnet, S. Aryal, X. Lu. HDF: Hybrid Deep Features for Scene Image Representation. The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020). [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Zhang, X. Lu, K. Hotta, X. Yang. G2MF-WA: Geometric Multi-Model Fitting with Weakly Annotated Data. The 8th international conference on Computational Visual Media (CVM 2020). [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Sitaula, Y. Xiang, A. Basnet, S. Aryal, X. Lu. Tag-based Semantic Features for Scene Image Classification. The 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2019. [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Sitaula, Y. Xiang, S. Aryal, X. Lu. Unsupervised Deep Features for Privacy Image Classification. The 9th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, 2019. [arXiv], [bibTex]
X. Lu, Z. Deng, J. Luo, W. Chen, S.K. Yeung, Y. He. 3D Articulated Skeleton Extraction Using a Single Consumer-Grade Depth Camera. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2019. [PDF], [Derivation_Material], [Results and EXE tool], [bibTex]
T. Nakane, T. Akashi, X. Lu, C. Zhang. A probabilistic bitwise genetic algorithm for B-spline based image deformation estimation. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, 2019. [arXiv], [bibTex]
C. Sitaula, Y. Xiang, Y. Zhang, X. Lu, S. Aryal. Indoor Image Representation by High-Level Semantic Features. IEEE Access, 2019. [arXiv], [bibTex]
X. Lu, H. Chen, S.K. Yeung, Z. Deng, W. Chen. Unsupervised Articulated Skeleton Extraction from Point Set Sequences Captured by a Single Depth
Camera. The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2018). [PDF], [Derivation_Material], [Results and EXE tool], [bibTex]
X. Lu, S. Wu, H. Chen, S.K. Yeung, W. Chen, M. Zwicker. GPF: GMM-inspired Feature-preserving Point Set Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2017. [PDF], [VIDEO], [EXE(32bit)], [EXE(64bit)], [bibTex]
X. Lu, W. Chen, S. Schaefer. Robust Mesh Denoising via Vertex Pre-filtering and L1-Median Normal Filtering. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2017.
[PDF], [VIDEO], [ComparewithOur], [bibTex]
X. Lu, X. Liu, Z. Deng, W. Chen. An Efficient Approach for Feature-preserving Mesh Denoising. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017. [PDF], [VIDEO], [bibTex]
X. Lu, Z. Deng, W. Chen. A Robust Scheme for Feature-preserving Mesh Denoising. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2015. [PDF], [VIDEO], [DATA], [ComparewithOur], [bibTex]
K. Su, Z.Wang, X. Lu, W. Chen. An Original-Stream Based Solution for Smoothly Replaying High-definition Videos in Desktop Virtualization Systems. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 2014. [PDF], [bibTex]
X. Lu, W. Chen, M. Xu, Z. Wang, Z. Deng, Y. Ye. AA-FVDM: An Accident-Avoidance Full Velocity Difference Model for Animating Realistic Street-level Traffic in Rural Scenes. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2014. [PDF], [VIDEO], [bibTex]
X. Lu, Z. Wang, M. Xu, W. Chen, Z. Deng. A Personality Model for Animating Heterogeneous Traffic Behaviors. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds,
2014. [PDF], [VIDEO], [bibTex]
X. Lu, W. Chen, M. Xu, Z. Wang, Z. Deng, Y. Ye. An accident-avoidance full velocity difference model for animating realistic street-level traffic in rural scenes. The 26th Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, 2013. [PDF], [bibTex]
X. Lu, M. Xu, W. Chen, Z. Wang, A. El. Rhalibi. Adaptive-AR Model with Drivers’ Prediction for Traffic Simulation. International Journal of Computer Games Technology, 2013. [PDF], [bibTex]
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