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Dr Xuequan Lu

About Me

I am a Senior Lecturer (equiv. to Associate Professor in North American system) at La Trobe University in Melbourne in Australia. I have spent more than two wonderful years as a Research Fellow in Singapore. Prior to that, I received my Ph.D in the College of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University

Research interests: my research interests mainly fall into the category of Visual Computing, e.g., 3D vision/graphics, VR/AR, 2D image processing, and digital health.

Refer to my Google Scholar for an up-to-date list of my research work. 

Email: AT

Note: I am constantly looking for self-motivated Ph.D candidates, as well as visiting students/scholars. Please contact me (typically with a CV), if you are interested in visual computing. 

Recent News

09/2024 Our paper on point cloud understanding accepted to NeurIPS 2024!

08/2024 Two papers accepted to IEEE TVCG!

07/2024 Three papers accepted to ACM MM 2024!

07/2024 Our paper accepted to IEEE JBHI! 

07/2024 Three papers accepted to ECCV 2024! 

07/2024 I joined IEEE TMM as an Associate Editor

06/2024 I attended CVPR 2024 in Seattle

06/2024 Our paper accepted to IEEE TMM!

05/2024 Our paper accepted to Siggraph 2024!

04/2024 I lead the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Health and Medicine in ACM MM 2024

03/2024 Our paper on point cloud completion accepted to IEEE TVCG

03/2024 I serve as an Area Chair (AC) in ACM MM 2024!

02/2024 Three papers accepted to CVPR 2024 (Seattle)!

01/2024 One paper accepted to Information Fusion

12/2023 I serve as an Associate Editor in IEEE TNNLS!

12/2023 I will have a short visit in Hangzhou in early January 2024

12/2023 I am invited to be a Program Chair for the 37th CASA 2024

12/2023 I lead a Special Session in ICME 2024 (Canada)

12/2023 Our paper accepted to IEEE TNNLS!

12/2023 Our paper accepted to AAAI 2024!

12/2023 Two papers accepted to CVM 2024

10/2023 I am invited to be a Program Chair in the 10th ICVR 2024

09/2023 Our paper accepted to IEEE TMM!

08/2023 I am invited to be the Publicity Chair of CVM 2024

08/2023 One paper accepted to IEEE TMC

07/2023 One paper accepted to ICCV 2023!

07/2023 I act as a Session Chair in ICME 2023 (Brisbane, Australia)

07/2023 One paper accepted to Pattern Recognition

05/2023 I am invited to be an ‘AC’ & Student Competition Chair in ISMAR 2023

03/2023 Our paper accepted to IEEE TVCG!

03/2023 One paper accepted to ICME 2023 and one accepted to ICASSP 2023

02/2023 Three papers accepted to CVPR 2023!

02/2023 One paper accepted to IEEE TCSVT

01/2023 Our paper accepted to IEEE TPAMI!

01/2023 Our paper accepted to IEEE TMM!

01/2023 Our paper accepted to Pattern Recognition

12/2022 I serve as a Publication Chair for CGI 2023

11/2022 We organise a Special Session on ICME 2023 (CORE A)

10/2022 I serve as a Technical Program Co-Chair for ICVR 2023

10/2022 Our survey paper on 3D face recognition accepted to CVMJ

09/2022 Our paper accepted to IEEE TCSVT

08/2022 Our paper accepted to IEEE ISMAR 2022

08/2022 Two papers accepted to Pacific Graphics 2022

07/2022 Our Federated Learning paper accepted to IEEE TSC!

06/2022 Our paper accepted to KBS

05/2022 Our paper accepted to IEEE JBHI

05/2022 We lead a Special Session in ICONIP 2022and welcome submissions (full papers)


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